How To: Rules for Dating in a Digital Age
Daniel Flay does his best Dua Lipa and attempts to navigate the minefield that can be dating in the digital world with his take on the 'New Rules'.

Swipe, tap, like - we can hook up, break up and make up all with the motion of a finger, so why in the age of dating apps and social media stalking are people finding it increasingly difficult to find love? For many, it would seem that 'Netflix and chill' just won't cut it anymore, so where are you going wrong? Follow these five rules to avoid the most common modern-day dating dilemmas.
Rule #1 - Don't Overthink Things
How long should you wait to reply? Is it ok to text twice in a row? How many kisses should you put at the end of a message? - overthinking things can be exhausting! So try not to sweat the small stuff. Chances are the person that you're messaging is thinking the exact same thing, so don't play games and just be yourself.
Rule #2 - Don't Be the First to Follow
Make sure not to follow each other too soon, or things might start to fizzle out. If you’ve already seen what they're up to via their Instagram Story, chances are you probably won't need to text them to ask. Remember double tapping 5 of their historic posts is cute, but more than 10 is kind of creepy.
Rule #3 - Insta-Stalking Is Ok
Instagram stalking is all fun and games until you accidentally like your crush's photo from 62 weeks ago. Utilise your social-stalking skills to find out what makes your date tick; Instagram is a great place to find common ground. Be warned though, you never mean to spend an hour stalking their ex's Instagram, but sometimes, it just happens.
Rule #4 - Take More Selfies
If you've got it, flaunt it...all over social media. There's no shame in trying to catch that someone special's eye with a selfie or three. It's a fail-safe way to get yourself noticed, just don't go overboard.
Rule #5 - Stay Safe Online
When you're caught up in the moment, it can be easy to make a snap judgement on Snapchat but don't let your temporary lack of inhibition get the best of you. Although messages may disappear, the internet is forever and you don't want your nudes floating around in cyberspace forevermore. If you're planning on sending risky pictures, make sure to cover your face and hide any noticeable markings or tattoos.
Words by Daniel Flay