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Trending: How to Beat the Facebook Algorithm

Learn everything that you need to know about beating the new Facebook algorithm.

Ever since Facebook revealed its plans to alter the algorithm of its newsfeed, brands and marketeers alike have been fretting about how this move will affect post performance on the platform. Although there's no magic fix, there are a number of ways in which users can work smarter to overcome the algorithmic changes.

Facebook now believes that a person-to-person connection is more valuable than a person-to-page connection, which means that brands now need to identify the types of content that resonates best with their audience and why. Rather than focusing on what makes content popular and attention-grabbing, brands need to start creating personal content that's both conversation-worthy and shareable.

The change in algorithm also means that 'active' interactions such as sharing, commenting, and reacting are considerably more important than 'passive' interactions such as clicking, viewing, or hovering.

In order to succeed, brands should focus on the following areas:

1. Content that connects like-minded people

2. Content that naturally creates meaningful interactions

3. Niche community targeting through Facebook Groups

Connecting People

Currently, the main focus of brands on Facebook is to create content that people interact with. However, this is all changing. Going forward, brand content should aim to spark an emotion within audiences. Brands who reach their followers on a emotional level are more likely to generate a reaction and receive a comment or share as a result. Whether your followers share your content with someone else who might find it interesting via Facebook Messenger or simply tag a friend, its these types of engagements that you should be aiming for.

Meaningful Interactions

There are certain types of content that are better at creating 'meaningful interactions' than others, and video just so happens to be one of them. Following Facebook's algorithmic refresh, brands are encouraged to experiment with Live video to boost engagements. Live videos often generate conversation amongst viewers on Facebook and on average receive six times more interactions than regular video posts.

Facebook Groups

With more than one billion users around the world, Facebook Groups are a great way to build an active and engaged community. Groups are an integral part of beating the new algorithm mainly due to the conversations that they generate amongst audiences and how they connect people on an international scale. Unlike the newsfeed, the key to Groups is to create a private and personal space where your audience can share their thoughts, ideas, and opinions.

Words by Daniel Flay

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